RE: What is harder in Movie production? Starting or continuation

I want to know which part is harder when it comes to movie production. Is it starting the production or the ability to get going after.

lola024 Return Member Asked on November 21, 2017 in Movie.
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I think its in the middle. You are always happy, passionate and fueled at the beginning of a career. You just develop the strength.

There is an inevitable transition that occurs when you move from the beginning stages of a project, when everything is new and shiny and exciting and the possibilities (and outcomes) are endless to the long, difficult middle. The middle is where, most likely, no one cares at all that you’re working on a project. The middle is where the money starts getting thin, the supporters start wavering, the reality of what you’re making is not living up to the idea you had when you began. It’s the middle that is the work, long before you begin to see the faintest light at the end of the tunnel.

You have to keep the pace. The next one have to be better than the previous. Many artist started strong but got lost in the middle.

Making a blockbuster is easy. Keeping the hit is harder to maintain.

Expert Consultant Answered on November 21, 2017.
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