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The diagnosis, prevention, and cure of every kind of ailment is known as Health care. Over the years, art and science have been systematically applied to it (health care), to ensure its effectiveness.  It takes dedicated health care practitioners to deliver adequate health care in its various branches such as-

This branches of health care came together to form a formidable force against ill-health.  Access to the various types of health care is thus enabled in three ways-

  1. Primary health care.
  2. Secondary health care, and
  3. Tertiary health care.

Health practitioners diligently, and systematically  apply their skills respectively in each of these care giving provisions. Consequently, it is defined based on cultural, organizational, or political interest. What is obtainable in one country may differ from that of another. However, a well functioning health system is an integral part of development, and thus requires-

  1. Finance.
  2. Workforce.
  3. Reliable data.
  4. Adequate facilities.

Upon this structure, a profound health system could be established, but based on the three aforementioned branches, which I will be discussing individually.

Primary health care

Primary health care is a kind of a first-call treatment one receives before he moves to the next stage. In some countries, it comes with paramedics, family physicians, or primary care physicians. In places like Africa, there are health centers, and herbal care providers who give the first-call consultation. The method of operation of every primary health care is however, rooted in cultural values.

The objective therefore, is to give patients treatment, hoping that it would be all they need. And that is why it is wide in scope, Requiring a practitioner to know about many illnesses. A wide range of people consult for different medical cases that include maternity, and chronic illnesses.

The international classification of primary health care (ICPC) as a standard for primary health care practition, thus provides techniques for evaluation of a patients medical needs. It is based on this standard that primary care givers attend to ill cases such as-

Nonetheless, the word “primary” indicates a starting point, meaning that there are so many ill cases that primary health could not contain. In such a situation, a referral is required to a secondary health care.

Secondary health care

This type of health care differs from the first in the sense that, the care givers don’t always make the first contact with patients. Those in medical need may have sought the help of primary health care givers, who eventually refer them to the secondary health care. This is because, this branch of health care parades specialists such as-

This specialists provide higher and alternate care to people in various medical needs. Unlike the primary health care system, which requires caregivers to learn much about every sought of illness. Secondary health care operates by specification. For instance, a Cardiologist would not do the job of an ophthalmologist. Every specialist operates in his field of expertise.

Tertiary health care

This type of care giving is more advanced than the preceding two. It is enabled with facilities to contain health cases that could  be handled by neither  primary nor secondary health facilities. There could be a research development Center for health care  advancement, or cure for “complex” illnesses such as cancer. Advanced surgeries such as Neurosurgery, plastic surgery, cardiac surgery are parts of the services rendered in tertiary health care.

The harmony of this three segments of health care has been the best way to achieve effective health care.

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