Cost of Opening a Hairdressing Salon in Nigeria

We all know that prices of things has skyrocketed in Nigeria, including setting up businesses. One will need to be in the know before considering starting a business in Nigeria.

So please what do think is the cost of starting a hairdressing salon business in Nigeria.

Active Member Asked on October 1, 2017 in Business.
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2 Answer(s)

There is no straight answer to your question as you will have to consider other factors which include the type of hair salon to start. The location of the hair salon also contributes significantly to the start-up costs. In highbrow neighborhoods, apart from the equipment cost, rent alone takes up a substantial part of the start-up costs. So it will do well to know your level of financial preparedness before venturing into this business.

A well-equipped hairdressing salon in a highbrow neighborhood or a Central Business District (CBD) can incur a significantly high start-up cost. This can go as high as over N30,000,000 naira! How well a hairdressing salon should be equipped determines the cost of starting. In low income neighborhoods, and depending on the equipment to be purchased, the start-up costs of hairdressing salon in Nigeria could vary from N500,000 to N5,000,000.

Active Member Answered on October 2, 2017.
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The Cost of Opening a hairdressing salon in Nigeria is a question whose the answer will be determined by scale and how big or little the salon would be.

A salon business is a business you can start with any amount you have available. You could start a hairdressing saloon with #10, 000. Yes, it is very possible. You have a house, clear the front of where you stay and God bless if their is a tree right there. Get a comb, some creams and petty things and then you start making your money. You could even start with less.

Just as you can start with #10, 000, you can also start with #10, 000, 000. It depends on the area, the location, the kind of people expected, people working for you and the kind of things you have in there. I have seen a saloon with some sophisticated equipments worth hundreds of thousands.

on an average level, you could start with #250, 000 to #400, 000

Location will take money, equipments would take money and several other things will need money. Its your call

Expert Consultant Answered on October 6, 2017.
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